Sunday, June 3, 2018

Morphological freedom? But I thought...

I find it odd that the transhumanist movement as of late seems to be filled with people who hate "SJWs" -which is usually shorthand for non-binary genders.

But I'm stumped as to why this kind of thinking is a thing to begin with in the transhumanist movement. A major -if not the core- ideal of transhumanism is the transcendence of the body, mind and spirit (however the later is defined) beyond current limitations of biology, including sexuality and gender.

So the idea of non-binary gender models is absolutely something that meshes perfectly with transhumanism. However, it seems that the practitioners of transhumanism themselves have discarded the full exploration of that idea in favor of fantasizing about indestructible Terminator bodies (Schwarzenegger-style disguise optional), and Vinge forbid there be something outside of the black-and-white dichotomy.